Nebulae in Auriga

Nebulae in Auriga

Wide field in Auriga, a winter constellation that is easy to spot thanks to its pentagon shape and the brightness of Capella (Alpha Aur), the third brightest star in the northern hemisphere.

In this rich sea of stars, the three diffuse nebulae portrayed in the photo stand out.

On the left, in a brighter red, IC 405, also known as C31 or as Flaming. The nebula shines thanks to the radiation received by AE Auriga which ionizes its gases giving it the beautiful red color while the filaments of a delicate color on the lower part are due to the reflection of the blue light of the star on the surrounding dark dust.

At the center of the shot, after the 5 stars Aur 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 dominates IC 410 also known as the Tadpole Nebula due to its northeastern filaments (in the photo at 5 o’clock in the center) reminiscent of the shape of two tadpoles.
It is an emission nebula, linked to the open cluster NGC 1893, formed by young and massive stars rather spread out among themselves and which are responsible for the ionization of its gases.

Finally, at the bottom right, the suggestive IC 417 Nebula also known as the Spider Nebula, which with its magnitude 5.08 represents a valid reference for visual identification and which with its delicate and at same time decisive colors closes the field framed by the shot.

This is the integration of two nights of shooting under an excellent sky that allowed me not to use any filter.

Nikon D750 (80 * 600) iso 400
Takahashi Fsq 106/530
Mount Skywatcher Eq6r
Location: Manciano (Grosseto) Sqm 21.50
Process: Pixinsight, Photoshop
No Filter

Letto 488 volte
Data e Ora di acquisizione
3 Febbraio 2022 alle 23:00
Condizioni del Cielo
Ottime, Sq 21.50 circa
Diametro del Telescopio
106 mm (4")
Focale di Acquisizone
530 mm
, , ,
Schema Ottico del Telescopio
Takahashi Fsq 106/530
Marca del Telescopio
Fenomeno o Evento Astronomico
Tipo Immagine
Dispositivo di Acquisizione

Altre Fotografie di questo Autore

Lbn 437 Gecko nebula
Letto 488 volte
LBN 437 Gecko Nebula
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