Nebulosa NGC6960 Velo

Nebulosa NGC6960 Velo


Telescope: Artec250 equipped with Televue Paracorr Type 2.

Focal ratio: native f/4, working at f/4.6.

Main camera: QSI683WSG-8.

Sensor temperature: -20 degC.

Filters: Astrodon H-alpha 3nm / Astrodon OIII 3nm

Imaging scale: 0.976 arcsec/px.

Guide camera: Starlight Xpress Lodestar (on the main camera).

Guide software: PHD2.

Guiding performance: RMS error ranging between 0.43 arcsec and 0.58 arcsec.

Mount: AP900 GTO CP2.


– H-alpha: 7 x 1200s + 5 x 600s + 3 x 300s + 3 x 120s

– OIII: 5 x 1200s + 3 x 600s + 3 x 300s + 3 x 120s


Processed in PixInsight 1.8

– Calibration, registration, HDR integration

– Deconvolution of the Ha and OIII frames separately

– Bicolor narrowband blending and RGB generation

– Color correction

– Stretch

– Automatic Background Extraction

– TGV denoise

– High Dynamic Range Wavelet Transforms (only in the area of 52 Cyg)

– Sharpening via Multiscale Linear Transform

– SCDN denoising (targeting green)

– Color saturation boost

– Contrast tweak

Letto 4.180 volte
Data e Ora di acquisizione
12 Agosto 2001 alle 00:00
Condizioni del Cielo
Presenza di Luna
Filtri Utilizzati
Astrodon 3nm HA e OIII
Diametro del Telescopio
250 mm (9")
Focale di Acquisizone
1140 mm
Schema Ottico del Telescopio
Marca del Telescopio
ARTEC by Artesky
Fenomeno o Evento Astronomico
Tipo Immagine
Dispositivo di Acquisizione

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